About Us
As per guidelines and order of Director General of Police, Crime and Criminal Tracking and System is implemented in Palghar District. In which all police stations have been update fir related data base online.
We have trained 90% police persons in Role Based Training. And System integrator wipro have been appointed their a person for technical support at police station level.
Palghar is an flagged district for compliance of work regarding CCTNS Project. ADDL. D.G. C.I.D. PUNE rewarded to use for this good work.
CCTNS project gone live in 17 police stations, 4 SDPO office, SP office, Addl. SP office & control room in palghar district. All police officer/ men are trained well & also provided them user ids & password for proper functioning of CCTNS case software.
All entries at the level of police stations are entered online in CCTNS case as like fir, missing, dead bodies, arrested person, criminals etc. CCTNS project is centralised project of central government all data entered in this will be helpful across all India in a criminal investigation.